c++ - Why is #include bad? - Programmers Stack Exchange有兩個非常聰明的經濟學天才青年,他們經常為一些高深的經濟學理論爭辯不休。一天飯後去散步,為了某個數學模型的證明兩位傑出青年又爭了起來,正在難分高下的時候,突然發現前面的草地上有一堆狗屎。甲就對乙說,如果你能把它吃下去,我願意出五千萬。五千萬的誘惑可真不小,吃還是不吃呢?乙掏出紙筆,進行了精確的數學計#include is a sign that the book was written prior to the first C++ standard in 1998 (the standard header is iostream). The problem is that older C++ code tends to be written in ways that are considered bad practice today. In particular, The use of C ......