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Excel Finance Class 82: Relevant Costs For Discounted Cash Flow Analysis = Incremental Cash Flows - 單身好寂寞,網路取個暖!交友APP哪支最厲害?告訴你好傻好天真的網交風險,還有把妹成功絕技! 單身網友最常在網路上… 近半單身網友「需要網路取暖」 透過網路關鍵字及文章大搜尋,發現,嚷嚷著「孤單寂寞」、「好想有人陪」的單身網友們,竟然佔了快一半比例! 尤其到Download Excel workbook http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/Ex... 1. Incremental Cash Flows = difference between future cash flows with a project & without the project. 2. Any cash flow that exists regardless of whether or not a project is undertaken in no...