indie box

Indiewire - Official Site ▲港星周星馳雖然赫赫有名,現在卻退隱幕後。(source:ndtv,下同)   大家還記得去年向太炮轟周星馳而引起的軒然大波嗎?雖然事件已然謝幕,但卻有很多人在討論,周星馳究竟是不善交際還是人品有問題?   根據ndtv報導,周星馳現實中的性格跟電影裡剛好相反。戲裡他說話很快,Online resource and community for independent filmmakers. Features articles, reviews, interviews, links, discussion boards, and a daily newsletter....


Indie Game Magazine | Indie Game Reviews, Previews & News   source:facebook下同 ▲Enako 在島國的COS圈中,有不少知名的COSER受到了國內動漫迷們的關注,Enako就是其中之一。 source:facebook下同 連續幾年都參加Comiket的Enako,憑藉她嬌小的身材和甜美可愛的長相圈了不少宅男粉。 但是近期島國Indie Game Reviews, Previews & News ... Dark Quest Now Available on Steam


Independent film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲女網友前往月老廟求感情,竟連續得到7個聖杯!(sourse : 左 網易攝影 / 右 Dcard) 想脫魯?求姻緣?當然就是要找月老啦!雖然感情這種事不能強求,求神拜佛也不一定能修成正果,但是有拜就有保佑,說不定還能指引明燈。   有女網友在Dcard分享自己的經驗An independent film is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major film studio system. In addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies, independent films are...


Indiegala - Indie Game Bundles and PC Game Bundles ▲女網友前往月老廟求感情,竟連續得到7個聖杯!(sourse : 百度貼吧) 想脫魯?求姻緣?當然就是要找月老啦!雖然感情這種事不能強求,求神拜佛也不一定能修成正果,但是有拜就有保佑,說不定還能指引明燈。   有女網友在Dcard分享自己的經驗,去年她到台南著名的月老廟求感情想要脫魯,女Indie Gala - Pay what you want for great video games and music! ... Dwarf Tower is a turn-based tactics game of tower building and spellcasting. Each turn you develop your tower by placing blocks, constructing rooms, and play various spells....


Exede Internet | Exede Satellite Internet | 1-855-277-3810 ▲男網友在籤詩程式上抽籤,竟抽到令人傻眼的結果。(sourse : PTT,下同) 一位男網友在PTT上發文,自嘲是魯了23年的肥宅,用了最近發現的籤詩程式來求籤問卜,沒想到卻還被打槍!   首先網友問了月老是否能交到女朋友: 竟然是凶啊!太不留情面了吧!幫QQ   再來,這名Get the Best Deals on Exede Satellite Internet - 1-855-277-3810 ... Exede Internet is a completely different experience from yesterday's satellite Internet service. It's made possible by the strength of the highest powered satellites in the world, state-o...


Humble Bundle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲男網友的女朋友是超可愛的職業軍人,但是偶爾會職業病發作。(source:infospesial,下同)示意圖,非本人   大家對於職業軍人都好像有一種特別的想像,其實他們也是一般人,只是偶爾會有「職業病」罷了。不過這樣的情形,發生在男生身上似乎還好,但是如果「職業病」是發作在女生身上,The Humble Bundles (previously known as Humble Indie Bundles) are a series of collections ("bundles") of digital creations that are sold and distributed online at a price determined by the purchaser. The bundles are typically offered on a semi-regular bas...
