SQL SERVER – The Self Join – Inner Join and Outer Join | Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal Dave每個男人都有個夢想:娶個美女做老婆。不過現實中真的娶到美女的人實在少數,想知道娶到美女的老公們有何共同之處嗎?GQ現在為你大揭密,想娶到水某可要認真學起來! 1. 智勇雙全 敢娶美女的人一般來說都是智勇雙全,要不也是能力非凡。你想美女是人間寵物,是名貴花草,總是比一般女人難養。正因為美女難養,挑剔、Self Join has always been an note-worthy case. It is interesting to ask questions on self join in a room full of developers. I often ask - if there are three kind of joins, i.e.- Inner Join, Outer Join and Cross Join; what type of join is Self Join? The u...