Review: Caolion Pore Minimizing Pack - GLAMBURGER女廁羅生門 有些謊言聽起來有道理,但任誰都知道是假的;然而,每個人都有權利為自己辯護,提出對自己有利的說詞。這個案子相當棘手,因為我需要證據,好證明他們確實「有做什麼」,此外,我還得表現出教官的辦案經驗老到、鐵面無私! 某日,第七節下課後,部分未參加課後輔導的學生放學了,突然,有一位男老師氣急敗壞的WHERE IS PORE? When I first unveiled this product, courtesy of Peach and Lily, I couldn’t stop laughing. Where is pore? A little backstory–my boyfriend and I decided that if my cat could talk, she would speak like that. ‘Where is food? What is thing? Why ...