Android 5.0 Lollipop comes to the Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5 | Ars Technica▲太猴急了吧...(source:Dcard、guangyuanol) 鋼圈內衣對所有女性來說都是個又愛又恨的東西,它能讓胸型變得更美、更挺,但是穿了一整天下來不但很難呼吸還會在身上留下勒痕超不舒服!日前一名匿名女網友在Dcard貼文表示自己一到家他的老實男友便從後面環抱住她...手開始不安分的往上Ninety-one days after launching, Lollipop is finally coming to the Samsung Galaxy S5 on a US carrier. The first out of the gate is actually Verizon, a company usually known for having the slowest OS updates out there. Further Reading Android 5.0 Lollipop,...