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Philippine Daily Inquirer - Official Site【男人的撒嬌時刻】 有句話說「小別勝新婚」,這句話放在我的朋友Daisy身上真是再正確不過了。Daisy和她的男友已經在一起七年多,同居也三年了,她是個獨立的女孩,男友工作也忙,有時候一整個禮拜在家裡都見不到幾次面的她們,老早就習慣了這樣的生活。 可是前陣子我和Daisy吃飯時,一整晚她手機的訊息聲Website of Philippine Daily Inquirer updated daily to provide the latest news....

全文閱讀 - Pope Francis in PH - | Philippine news for Filipinos ▲有一位正妹竟然睡覺睡到沒形象。(source:yxdown,下同)     人很累的時候,隨地一坐可能都會坐到睡著,而且可能睡到連嘴巴大開、狂流口水等等超沒形象的睡姿都不知道。 根據yxdown分享,有一位正妹在某間休息室睡到無法無天,竟然連胸部都露出來了,這神奇的景象馬上在Even though Pope Francis gave only several official statements, he spoke volumes through his impromptu speeches. Language did not hinder the Holy Father from reaching out and touching the hearts of millions of Filipinos. has compiled Francis ...


Inquirer News | Latest Philippine News for Filipinos文/黃靖萱 一輛車改變一座城市  花了十多年,豐田打造出最適合一個人移動的電動車i-ROAD,但它不只是一輛未來感十足又可愛的車而已。從這輛車,到智慧的交通系統,再到現在豐田正在架構的車聯網生態圈,我們在日本,看到一個更美好城市移動的想像…… 「如果你故意要讓車Website of the leading newspaper in the Philippines. Updated daily, it provides latest news and commentaries on national and regional events, business, sports, ... PBA: Agustin credits good defense, big men performance for win over Purefoods...


Inquirer Opinion | Philippine News for Filipinos根據網站VICE報導,不只有男生才能感受玩具娃娃的「幸褔」,成人玩具製造商也製造出男性娃娃,近日女記者去該玩具製造商採訪,她竟然還「試用」,大呼「好真實!」 ( Sourse:VICE ) 這種玩具娃娃基本款要價5900美元(折合約台幣19萬),但這個玩具娃娃非常特別,還可以幫把娃娃換「道具」,可以PBA: Agustin credits good defense, big men performance for win over Purefoods...


Inquirer Entertainment | Latest Showbiz and Entertainment News ▲女生想搭訕超帥的Uber司機,結果笑翻所有網友!(source:tieba/LIFE生活網)左圖為示意圖,非本人   女生看到帥哥通常都會瘋狂,但是那位帥哥是Uber司機的話,你該怎麼做才能吸引他呢? 根據buzzfeed報導,有一個美國女大學生想和朋友前往派對,於是叫了Uber來,當Meet Cody and Caleb Walker, the men who filled in for Paul Walker in ‘Furious’ 7...


Showbiz & Style - INQUIRER.net小編終於找找到這個全家妹子的臉書了!追蹤她的粉絲超多啊!感覺她的客人一定爆炸多,我也要去排隊啊啊啊~ 全家正妹店員(source: 林思澄)下同 本文由小編整理報導  Schwarzenegger admits fathering lovechild LOS ANGELES—Movie megastar and former US governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said Tuesday his wife Maria Shriver separated from him after he admitted to fathering a child with a member of the household staff. FULL ......
