Instagram - Official Site 右圖截自臉書、左圖轉自shimabara.yuka 今天下午日本搞笑巨星渡邊直美來台灣辦粉絲見面會啦! 不知道有多少網友有到現場去看呢? 渡邊直美的搞笑風格加上圓滾滾的體型讓他在台灣擁有超高的人氣 而渡邊直美本身也是台日混血,更曾直接在節目上說過台灣是他第二個家 粉絲見面會除了紐約跟洛杉磯之外,全Capture and Share the World's Moments Instagram is a free and simple way to share your life and keep up with other people. Take a picture or video, then customize it with filters and creative tools. Post it on Instagram and share instantly on ......