Feedly is listening: the roadmap you helped us shape | Building Feedly 圖片來源:Doraemon100tw FB 小叮噹~現在叫哆啦A夢,相信有些有注意到"哆啦A夢誕生前100年特展"消息的朋友都知道,哆啦A夢終於要來到台灣了!!之前在香港展出的《你睇!! 多啦A夢嚟啦!誕生前100年祭》真的是令我羨慕~ 香港展出的100隻哆啦A夢 圖片來源:100DOur focus over the last 60 days has been to add new hardware and release weekly incremental updates to make the transition from Google Reader to feedly as seamless as possible. That effort is paying off: Our community is growing. 68% of the users who try ...