integral of tanx

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secx + tanx = 1/(secx-tanx) - Math Help Forum   他們是會攀岩走壁的羊!?You are correct, now just write it as 1/[(1-sinx)/cosx] and proceed further. Alternatively multiply and divide the numerator and denominator by ( secx-tanx) the numerator will reduce ......


Basic Integration Formulas - High Speed Internet, Digital Phone and Web Hosting | Uniserve Communica 請他/她喝可樂~當他/她喝完的時候就會看到你寫的字~ 快去試試!!Basic Integration Formulas 1. Z [f(x)±g(x)] dx = Z f(x)dx± Z g(x)dx 2. Z xn dx = xn+1 n+1 +C, n 6= − 1 3. Z dx x = ln|x|+C 4. Z ex dx = ex +C 5. Z sinxdx = −cosx+C 6. Z cosxdx = sinx+C 7. Z tanxdx = ln|secx|+C 8. Z cotxdx = −ln|cscx|+C 9. Z secxdx = ln|se...


How to Integrate Tan^2(x) and Tan^3(x), Tangent Squared and Cubed   我的天阿~趕快去定做了啊!!  To find the integral of tan^3(x), let's first factor the trig function into tan^3(x) = tan(x)*tan^2(x) Using the first key relation, we can further transform it into tan(x)*tan^2(x) = tan(x)[sec^2(x) - 1] = tan(x)sec^2(x) - tan(x) Now our integral equatio...
