Adding Intel Matrix Drivers to Your XP Image for AHCI SATA Support | Symantec Connect話說, 最近蘇格蘭發生了一件巨搞笑的事情…… 就在前兩天的夜晚,蘇格蘭警方忽然接到了一個驚慌失措的報警電話, 報警者是當地的一個農場主,Bruce Grubb, 他說,有一隻大老虎正在我家農場裡!我快被嚇死了,快來救救我吧! 什麼?老虎?你說的NOTE: The Intel Matrix version 8 drivers alone will be enough for most cases and you may choose to skip the next two driver packages if you want. I would recommend adding the Intel Matrix drivers version 5 and 7 as well for legacy controller support. If y...