Intel® B75 Express Chipset - Intel: Tablet, 2in1, Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone, Server, Embe ▲最神代言人!(source: 9gag,以下同) 大家好我是云編~ 提到國防部代言人,大家心中會浮現出什麼形象?是穿著軍裝,長相嚴肅的大叔嗎?或是穿著軍裝的帥哥?畢竟是與國防有關,所以大家可能都會覺得代言人的形象也要嚴肅一些吧,可是根據9gag報導,最近俄國新選出了一位國防部代言人1 Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) requires the computer to have an Intel® RST-enabled chipset, the RAID controller in the BIOS enabled, and the Intel RST software driver installed. Please consult your system vendor for more information....