Intel BMP utility for editing VBIOS - Intel Communities, Blogs and Social@Intel 原po哥哥的眼光出了什麼事??怎麼會選到這種女朋友啊!!! 太令人崩潰了吧,而且禮貌不佳...但甘願幫他收拾殘局的哥哥說真的蠻有問題的... ---------------------------------------------DCARD原文連結關於哥的女友跟我的男友...看板:Hello, Does anyone know where I can get the Intel BMP utility which is used to veiw and edit the video BIOS settings? This is described in http://www.chrontel.com/pdf/An94.pdf I need to see the setting on the SSC (spread spectrum clocking) for the Mobile...