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Upgrading my Intel G45/G43 Express Chipset - Graphics Cards - Graphics Cards真不知道媽媽在家裡忙甚麼.....   很有破壞力的便當...   疑?   瞄準力媲美狙擊槍了... 蟑螂:怕怕   昨天同學大概跟媽媽吵架了吧!   恩?中午吃這個會膩吧......orz   跟媽媽要求的白色情人節午餐 真的很符合耶.I have an Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 and can barely run mine craft which is pathetic. I thought my current video card was not the problem until I read this: "The G45/43 express chipset is simply a f ... As one of the users has previously stated, although you...


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