百周年慶,Vision Next 100 concept現身引領BMW邁向下一個百年!
Intel® H57 Express Chipset - Intel: Tablet, 2in1, Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone, Server, EmbeisCar! 成立於1916年的BMW至今年正好屆滿100周年,為此BMW已開始一連串的慶祝活動,更在日前於德國總部舉辦的慶祝大會中發表了全新概念車Vision Next 100 concept ,準備引領BMW邁向下一個100年! Vision Next 100 concept顧名思義將是BMW邁1 Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) requires the computer to have an Intel® RST-enabled chipset, the RAID controller in the BIOS enabled, and the Intel RST software driver installed. Please consult your system vendor for more information....