當手工大神愛上動物!他收來各種簡易器材,給動物做出各種定制義肢... 無比讚啊!
Intel® H87 Chipset is Ideal for Everyday Computing Applications 今天故事的主角是他, 22歲的土耳其小哥Hasan Kizil.... Hasan住在土耳其東南部的馬爾丁市, 目前是一個普通的學生。 從小,Hasan就特別愛動物,在土耳其的街道上如果看到有受傷的貓狗,甚至是鳥、羊、馬,他都會把它們送到獸醫院裡救治。 到Learn about the Intel® H87 Chipset platform, which is ideal for content creation and media use, including features, documentation, and a diagram. ... Everyday Performance and Responsiveness With superior performance and responsiveness, the Intel® H87 Chip...