Intel HD Graphics 4600 vs Nvidia GT740M - Nvidia - Graphics & Displays週末下午,同公司的女職員們正在咖啡廳裡閒聊,突然話題轉到那位刻薄小氣的老闆上。妳一言、我一語的數落了老闆一陣,最後決議要對老闆來點報復,並約定下週末同時間、同地點 各自報告成果。一周後,四位女職員圍在桌邊,報告惡作劇事項。A小姐說:「星期二跟星期四,老闆的汽車輪胎被洩氣是我幹的!」大家一陣歡呼!B小I'm going to buy a laptop for work as well as a moderate amount of gaming. Read that Intel HD Graphics 4600 is much better than the previous versions. So I'm confused, should I go for the apparently g ... Solved i5 with 6gb and nVidia GT740M vs. i7 with 8...