Intel NUC DC3217IYE & OS X 10.8.2 SUCCESS在日站君還沒有出生的時候 日本就有了一檔綜藝真人秀節目 叫《超級變變變》 ▼ 在這裡也就不方便透露日站君是個 看著《超級變變變》長大的00後了 PART A 超級變變變 30年 《超級變變變》不知不覺已經播出94回、開播30年了 在日本,它被譽為&ldquoIntel NUC DC3217IYE & OS X 10.8.2 SUCCESS got my intel NUC yesterday (the one with LAN connector but NO Thunderbolt) and everything seems to work. ... got my intel NUC yesterday (the one with LAN connector but NO Thunderbolt) and everything seems to ......