intel ssd firmware 520

下載中心 - Intel Download Center@@我有沒有看錯... Download new and previously released drivers including support software, bios, utilities, firmware and patches for Intel products. ... Intel® SSD 520 系列 Intel® SSD 525 系列 Intel® SSD 530 系列 Intel® SSD 710 系列 Intel® SSD 730 系列 Intel® SSD DC S3500 ......


520 Series SSD - Is 400i the latest firmware? | Intel Communities哈哈~下次來試試 520 480GB Intel SSD (Boot) 2 x Corsair Black 2TB HDD's (not RAID - 1 for User files, 1 for Backup) ... As you can see, Intel does not make a big deal about SSD firmware updates, since they provide them so rarely, if ever. They announce it on the SSD forum...


Intel X25-M/X18-M更新韌體實作 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西  Intel推出的X25-M與X18-M(以下用X25-M代稱)雖然是MLC顆粒,但也算目前固態硬碟中的極品;不過產品出了那麼久,隱性的問題也慢慢浮現。主要的症頭在於X25-M長期使用後,讀寫效能會越來越低落,這等於是給花大錢購買Intel固態硬碟的人一記重拳。 2009年2 ......
