Performance of Intel Pentium 2117U ULV processor 問台灣女神何其多? 恰似一江春水向東流! 這年頭的宅男女神都快多過宅男了... 歸納幾點台灣宅男女神的特質: 1.胸大 2.眼汪 3.聲嗲 4.齡輕(或逆齡) 宅宅: 白皙誠可貴 童顏價更高 若為巨乳顧 三者&helliLast week we reported on Pentium 2000-series mobile CPUs with Ivy Bridge core, coming in the Q4. As a refresher, new processors are Pentium 2020M with 2.4 GHz operating frequency and 35 Watt TDP, and ultra low voltage 2117U with 17 Watt TDP, clocked at 1....