AnandTech | Intel's Xeon E5-2600 V2: 12-core Ivy Bridge EP for ServersChowder來自菲律賓,今年4歲,是inst上的一隻網紅汪, 鏟屎官在它很小的時候就開始在inst上記錄它的日常, 可以說,很多網友都是看着它一天一天長大的, 小時候的它,軟軟的,萌萌的,抱在懷裡剛剛好, &nbsThe core architecture inside the latest Xeon is typically a step behind what you find inside the latest desktop and notebook chips. A longer and more thorough validation is one reason, but there is more. The high-end model of the Xeon E5-2600 V2 or "Ivy B...