Intel Atom Z2420 - CPUBoss ▲你知道這到底是什麼嗎?(source:一条 Yitiao,下同。) 大家好,吉編又來了! 大家小時候都有玩過各式各樣的玩偶,例如躺下就會閉上眼睛的洋娃娃,或是按下開關就會說出一些話的布偶等等。不過你應該不知道,竟然有人可以把你小時候看的繪本故事的主角,全都做成機械人偶Atom Z2420 1.2 GHz Snapdragon 800 2.27 GHz Atom Z2460 1.6 GHz In The News From around the web 7 Jan Intel pushing into the value smartphone market with new Atom Z2420 by Trace Hagan | www.tweaktown.com It has the normal features It will deliver ......