interior design雜誌

Interior Design Magazine - Official Site這個漂亮的妹子名叫Alex Goldstein,今年28歲。旁邊的大鬍子小伙是她的未婚夫Sam Mindlin,兩人同歲。   從照片就能看出來,Alex和Sam之間的感情超級好,兩人十分恩愛。 他們的故事,早在25年前就已經落筆寫下了開端。 直到2年前,闊別已久甚至已經相逢不相識的兩人,Trade magazine covering the interior design industry....

全文閱讀 - Official Site 外交部、台視《親愛的,我愛上別人了》「情定美洲」記者會於昨(11/28)天舉行,劇中主要演員天心及林逸欣連袂出席,與在場的友邦駐華使節及代表們,一同觀賞配上英語及西語版本的精彩片花。優質台灣戲劇跨足海外觸角延伸至中美洲與加勒比海地區英、西語系邦交國,透過優良製作與精湛演技以文化外交角度、展現台灣軟Interior design, modern product designs and contemporary world architecture news blog magazine. Freshome ... Designed by Marmol Radziner and constructed by Fountainhead Builders-Developers, this new home in LA presents its contemporary shape in photos ......


Industry | Interior Design ▲最神代言人!(source: 9gag,以下同)   大家好我是云編~ 提到國防部代言人,大家心中會浮現出什麼形象?是穿著軍裝,長相嚴肅的大叔嗎?或是穿著軍裝的帥哥?畢竟是與國防有關,所以大家可能都會覺得代言人的形象也要嚴肅一些吧,可是根據9gag報導,最近俄國新選出了一位國防部代言人Interior Design is the definitive resource for interior designers, architects and other design pros, featuring groundbreaking projects, innovative new products, real-time design industry news, exclusive in-depth research and more. Offering print, digital ...


HOME & DESIGN Magazine - Official Site 最近,臉書創始人扎克伯格在輟學13年後,重返哈佛發表了一場慷慨激昂的演講,感動了很多人。   坐在台下的觀眾中哭得最稀里嘩啦的,還屬他的妻子——普莉希拉-陳。而她的故事同樣動人。     1985年,陳生於一個難民家庭。為讓她能夠受到良好的教育Home & Design Magazine features exclusive home design content including interior design, outdoor design, landscape design, luxury lifestyle and more. ... HOME&DESIGN, published bi-monthly by Homestyles Media Inc., is the premier magazine of architecture ....


productFind | - Interior Design Magazine 照片里這個帥哥,名字叫Sam Rouen,       Sam來自澳大利亞,今年26歲的他是一名消防員,   照片里的Sam看起來非常健壯,但是在他小的時候,甚至他人生開始的很長一段時間裡,其實一直是一枚不折不扣的小胖墩...     &Glitz Mineral Collection Liquid Elements’ Glitz Mineral Collection incorporates a pigmented base coat with natural mica chips in gold, silver, bronze, clear and ......


THE INTERIOR DESIGN MAGAZINE | Interior Design Tools and Media      前兩天,杜少的朋友曹主席在酒吧搭訕了一位外國姑娘。   看見姑娘獨自坐在吧檯,熒光色裹身裙襯得腰細腿長,曹主席果斷上前跟姑娘搭訕:「Hi, Where do you come from?」   姑娘回復「Spain」後,口語一般的曹主席就Introduction Empty shapes are an important part of interior design. In a room these empty shapes can create dynamic energy or tranquility. This is the Tassel House by Victor Horta (1892 Brussels, Belgium). In the stairwell the stairs face the landing. The...
