internal medicine

JAMA Network | JAMA Internal Medicine | Home考捲髮到最後一張時,老師看著考卷上的名字叫著:“林蛋大。”沒有人回應。又叫了一次:“林蛋大。”還是沒人回應。老師不耐了,問:“沒拿到考卷的人舉手。”一學生舉手。老師問:“你叫什麼名字?”學生回答:&ldqAmerican Medical Association's journal of internal medicine....


Hartford Medical Group - Official Site我們好壞哦!呵呵~   Connect to healthier If you're looking for a primary care provider, you can easily schedule an appointment within 24 hours at Hartford HealthCare Medical Group. With many locations throughout Connecticut, and more than 250 physicians and advanced practiti...


Medscape Reference - Specialties《越獄》續集男主角。。。。小盆友好可愛哦! eMedicine specialties feature up-to-date, searchable, peer-reviewed medical journals, online physician reference textbooks, and a full-text article database in 62 medical specialties. This largest and most current Internet medical library and clinical kno...
