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Windows Secrets for Microsoft Windows 8, Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Windows Updates from the WText & Styling:JT、photo: Greg Lin、model: Andy、hair & make-up: Abby、design: Chelsea 縱觀台灣潮流本土品牌,近年來也是有著逐漸成長的趨勢,隨著外來品牌大肆攻掠,土身土長的台灣潮流品牌依舊站穩腳步有著自己的態度存在;本期MGet our unique weekly Newsletter with tips and techniques, how to's and critical updates on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google, etc ... + Get this BONUS — free! The Windows 7 Guide, Volume 3: Advanced maintenance and ......