VANS SURF GARAGE 藝術音樂派對 粉絲擠爆台北 Legacy!!!
Self-Introduction is Your Key to Interview Success *衝浪、攝影、創作、音樂完美結合 張震嶽 舒米恩 Live 開唱,帶領粉絲趕搭衝浪時尚 VANS SURF GARAGE 今晚在台北華山藝文中心熱力開唱,近 1500 名粉絲的擠爆台北 Legacy,讓 VANS 品牌的迷哥迷姐大呼過癮,也讓主辦的 ABC-MART 台灣公司對深根台灣市場更具信心Once you have been invited to an interview you must get ready to create the image of someone they will surely want to hire above all other job applicants. Everybody has an opinion as to how you do that, but what do you actually do and what do you say? Sel...