12歲男孩寫下「教你如何了解女人」 看完豁然開朗了
IntexCorp - The leader in Above Ground Pools, Airbeds and Inflatable Spas - Intex女人心海底針!女孩子的心思就是那麼難懂,相信全天下的男同胞都會這麼認為?不過,有一個12歲的小孩寫下了如何了解女人的精闢建議!!太形象!說的太對了!!!別看他只有12歲,至少他比你們懂得多XDDDD如何了解女人 (沒錯,封面的標題就是開門見山!非常好,已經迫不及待想看正文了!) 這本書介紹Learn more about Intex Recreation Corp, the leader in above ground pools, airbeds, and spas. Get support for your Intex products. Shop for above ground pools, airbeds, inflatable spas, sporting goods, air furniture, pumps, pool floats and toys at Intex....