IntexCorp - The leader in Above Ground Pools, Airbeds and Inflatable Spas - Intex奇葩買家秀!一直都是大家津津樂道的話題,尤其是淘寶就很常被客人出賣,而常常出現在各大論壇(其實也是免費打廣告誒 哈哈哈~ 小編平常覺得最搞笑的就是掏寶買內衣的賣家,常常點點還沒遮好就急著po分享文(關鍵字都講了,古狗很好搜到)不過最近這種福利恐怕成為絕響,內衣系列的買家評論似乎不再提供圖片上傳了..Learn more about Intex Recreation Corp, the leader in above ground pools, airbeds, and spas. Get support for your Intex products. Shop for above ground pools, airbeds, inflatable spas, sporting goods, air furniture, pumps, pool floats and toys at Intex....