
[Borderlands 2] OP Psycho Krieg Guide/Build - Invincible Pyromaniac Axeman! - YouTube 「小昆凌」鋇鋇個人資料身高/體重:168cm 45kg年紀  20歲鞋子:24.0"刺青:無三圍:32C 24 34耳洞:左耳1個 右耳1個學歷  黎明技術學院化妝品系臉書:微博:http://weibo.cJust a quick build guide for Krieg - who's so fun to play. Hopefully y'all enjoy it and give some positive feedback etc. Thanks so much for watching!...


Home | Kandi Treats 32F正妹~劉甜甜~長的有點像少女時代泰研      Read Fearless Femmes Fearless Femmes July 6, 2015 | Featured, News Do one thing every day that scares you. Are you afraid of heights? Spiders, perhaps? Are your fears more visceral – something like you’re afraid of making a bold choice in your life? It co...


Hunter Hellquist - Borderlands Wiki - Walkthroughs, Weapons, Classes, Character builds, Enemies, DLC分享:         中文名:陳詩雨英文名:csy (不是psy喔 @@)年齡:20歲家鄉:湖北孝感身高:160cm體重:40KG生日:1987.09.06星座:天蠍座三圍:86 65 81喜歡的顏色:棕色、綠色風格:小清新,蘿Hunter Hellquist is a radio host working for Hyperion. He can be met in person and killed during......
