Apple - iOS 7 - Maps 欣賞美女的臉蛋和身材的同時,你有沒有注意到一個細節:牆!美女身靠牆,或者周圍有牆的時候,那個牆壁,總是有些不對勁! 來玩大家來找碴吧,看看還有哪裡彎了~~~~ 把臉都P成錐子,把身材都P得有夠誇張得肉緊,我不敢相在網路上的照片了....... Designed by Apple from the ground up, Maps gives you turn-by-turn spoken directions, interactive 3D views, and the stunning Flyover feature. 1 All in a beautiful vector-based interface that scales and zooms with ease. Maps in iOS 7 shows you even more of ...