Jailbreak iOS 4 - iPhone Hacks | #1 iPhone, iPad, iOS Blog曾有一個馬戲團,經常巡迴各地演出;其中有一團員是個”大力士”,他的拿手好戲是”憑單手之力”就能榨乾柳丁!大力士把柳丁擠乾了之後,再對觀眾宣佈--誰能用一手之力,再擠出一滴柳丁汁來,誰就可以獲得五萬元獎金!後來,一位中年的婦人,自告奮勇的要試一試!她從大Geohot surprised everyone by releasing limera1n yesterday, a day before the release of greenpois0n by the Chronic Dev Team. Limera1n can jailbreak iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 3G and the new iPod Touch 4G. In this guide, we will take you through...