街道到賽道通通包BMSPEC 2018 Civic Hatchback
Rizwan Ashraf - iOS 8 Beta 5 New Changes | RizwanAshraf.com圖片來源:speedhunters 駕駛著一輛改裝車超過1200公里往返Gridlife Streets Special TrackBattle賽道,可以說是一件很可怕的事情,台北到大鵬灣真的算滿近的了,通常改裝車那響亮的排氣聲浪、硬派的懸吊及超薄海綿的賽車椅,長時間的移動確實會是比較不舒服,考Apple thrown the fifth beta version of its upcoming mobile operating system iOS 8 which lands with the number of changes, improvements and tweaks and of course the bug fixes to the previous beta version that was out on June 2nd.just like the previous beta...