原來這才是西裝正確的穿搭方式!只要穿對了~就能讓你不戰而勝!男生一定要學! 圖)
How to Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3, 6.1.6 Untethered & Install Cydia with Redsn0w- iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch (示意圖via) 1.領帶的寬窄應該與駁頭(即西裝的翻領)的寬窄相配。 2.一般來說,駁頭越窄越時髦!寬大的駁頭看起來老套又保守,讓人想起50年前美國曾經流行的風格。 3.除了領帶,抖騷的還有方巾。胸前口袋裡塞一條方巾可以讓你看上去更優雅,但要記住,方巾的材READ FIRST: Redsn0w has been updated with Untethered iOS 6.1.6/3 support for the iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch that brings various bug fixes and improvements over the original iOS 6 firmware. More on jailbreaking- http://InsanelyiOS.com This is the Official U...