35 brilliant iOS 7 tips and tricks | News | TechRadar測測看你是不是個調情高手 你去探望一位住院的同事,同事暗示你說有一位護士特別漂亮,但你並沒有見到她,你直覺會認為是她漂亮在哪裡? A. 高挑的身材和一頭長髮 B. 大眼睛而且皮膚白皙 C. 五官輪廓很深有特殊氣質 D. 長相普通但身材很惹火 The jury may still be out on iOS 7's radical redesign - for what it's worth we love it, with a few reservations - there's no denying that it's the friendliest and most powerful version of iOS yet. But there's more to iOS 7 than headline features such as C...