G7車庫柒號精選:Audi C7 RS6 Avant x ADV.1 Wheels 德意志狂暴紫色旅
Auxo 2 Cydia Tweak For iOS 7 Now Available For Download 撇除常被納入超級跑車行列中的R8以外,德國車廠Audi旗下RS系列車型向來是性能迷們不可忽略的高性能軍團,而面對Mercedes Benz E63 AMG與BMW F10 M5的雙雄來襲,Audi所推出的RS6車系向來能與對手平起平坐。在2012年底的時候,Audi以旅行車Avant之姿發表了全新As promised, A3 Tweaks has released their Auxo 2 tweak in the Cydia Store earlier today. Auxo 2 is an upgrade to Auxo, but has been completely rebuilt for iOS 7. This is perhaps the best Cydia tweak out there and it gets better with Auxo 2. Auxo 2 include...