Will Apple allow Custom Dynamic Wallpapers in iOS 7? Here's a proof of concept蔡康永新節目《親愛的結婚吧》20日晚在WeTV全台獨家首播,透過生活中溫暖的小細節,對於墜入愛河的戀人來說,就會成為被放大的幸福,「一起放大細微的幸福,遇見完美的愛情。」 該節目首集嘉賓邀請到林允、田亮以及毛曉彤。林允曾演出周星馳電影《美人魚》她曝自己的愛情觀是,「快樂做自己。」田亮則分享自已結婚1One of the major new features in iOS 7 in the looks department is the dynamic or live wallpaper. As of now, iOS 7 betas come with just two dynamic wallpapers with a bubble design, and with slightly different colorations. The animation in these wallpapers ...