Will Apple allow Custom Dynamic Wallpapers in iOS 7? Here's a proof of concept話說,在大部分西方國家的家長的觀念里,很少有養兒防老的想法,也一直不鼓勵自己孩子在經濟上太依賴自己, 很多人在長大成人之後,他們的父母就不會再和他們生活在一起了。 很多情況下,就連他們的上大學的學費,也是要自己向銀行貸款打工賺錢還的…… &nbOne of the major new features in iOS 7 in the looks department is the dynamic or live wallpaper. As of now, iOS 7 betas come with just two dynamic wallpapers with a bubble design, and with slightly different colorations. The animation in these wallpapers ...