Exploring iOS 7 Rounded Corners « mani.de backstage blog 此為男生版,另有女生版請見連結<< 1、去女友家拜訪,到她家附近時不可以再挽著她的手,因為她的鄰居會品頭論足一番。 2、進家後,不要對她太隨便、太親熱,她的家人在觀察著你的一舉一動,以免給人留下不好的印象。 3、不可不時看手錶,否則她的家人會認為你不願意呆在她家。 4、離去時不可一踏出門就露出鬆懈Since iOS 7′s icons are slightly larger and have a different corner radius, some icons for iOS 6 do not display properly leaving white areas around the edges, notes the report. In order to avoid this interface issue, developers will need to include larger...