ios 7 search function

Apple iOS 7 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET   數學、物理、化學不過關,看不懂  Editors' note: iOS 7.1 was released March 10, 2014 and comes with several interface enhancements and a few new features. If you just want to know about iOS 7.1, read our breakdown of iOS 7.1 over at CNET News. But to see the new features alongside those ....


iOS 7 review | iMore - iMore | The #1 site for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and all things Apple! 是說..有的好像沒那麼有趣啊[iOS 7]( represents nothing more nor less than the radical rethinking of mainstream multitouch interface. A complete visual departure from previous versions, it focuses on clarity by removing all but the most essential elements ...


iOS 9 - What’s New - Apple 【殺價中的5個潛規則】1.絕不先開價,誰先開誰先死。2.絕不接受對方的起始條件,誰接受誰吃虧。3.殺價必須低於對方預期目標,不殺是傻子。4.聞之色變法,讓對方感到他的要價太嚇人了。5.選擇隨時準備走人,逼迫對方倉促下決定。週末逛街想買東西的朋友可以試試!iOS 9 brings across-the-board enhancements to your devices — from an all-new News app to an even smarter Siri to better performance under the hood. ... The Notes app has always been great for jotting down your thoughts. And now it’s great for so much more...
