ios 7 style css

iOS: UIWebview loadhtmlstring & Local css/js/image resources - Tomson Xu - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET感同身受... 最新評論 Google oauth 2.0 lihengfeng123: 不錯。。受用了 iOS: bundle name, bundle display name, bundle identifier... u012894249: 幫助很大 謝謝 [iOS] iOS 6的Rotation fssssssss: @fssssssss:知道哪裡錯了,必須plist都設置好,然後在nav裡面設定。...


Safari on iOS 7 and HTML5: problems, changes and new APIs | Breaking the Mobile Web嘖嘖...蠻適合的!!! Apple has rolled out iOS 7 with iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C . As expected, Apple has published just 10% of the necessary information for web developers, and I can say without fear of mistake that this is the buggiest Safari version since 1.0. In this post I’l...
