ios 7 style keynote template

Keynote template for iPhone and iPad app demos | Dave Addey你會不會太重..... I received so many nice compliments about my app demo slides at Úll 2013 that I’ve decided to make my Keynote slide template available. I’ve also written up how I create the demos, including how I record demo videos of our apps over AirPlay. If you find y...


Keynote for iOS review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news像真的一樣~ Tap on an image in your slide, then tap the paintbrush button to change styles, such as adding frames or drop shadows. Screenshot by Jason Parker/CNET Other useful features The iOS version of Keynote lost a couple of features in the ......


Apple - Pages for iOS好有創意! Designed for simplicity Love at first draft. From the word go, Pages places you in the perfect writing environment. It puts all the right tools in all the right places. And Multi-Touch makes it second nature to choose a look and customize the fonts, style...


50+ Free and Premium Keynote Presentation Templates - XDesigns超級強的~ If you are looking for keynote templates for your presentation work, then this post will help you finding the best templates design for specific topic of y ... If you are looking for keynote templates for your presentation work, then this post will help y...


IOS - 中文科技新聞資訊平台, 提供Apple, iPhone, iPad, Android 最新消息、實用教學影片及手機應用程式 ...更新狂潮再臨!iOS 8.4 推出只 8 天, 已經有這麼多裝置升級了 自從 iOS 7 之後,iOS 的更新速度比以前稍為減慢。不過來到最新的 iOS 8.4,情況就不同了。從前的極速更新潮,再一次出現了。 根據最新數據顯示,iOS 8.4 推出至今短短 8 日,已經有足足 40% ......
