Supercolortuts | Tutorials, Quick Tips and Freebies | Create a Custom iOS 7 Style Blur Background in話說... 在我們的日常生活中,一切看似越來越平等, 每個人儘自己的努力,可以做喜歡的工作,過心儀的生活。 然而... 仔細想想,我們的生活甚至是觀念里,有一些刻板偏見,似乎已根深蒂固, 尤其是針對女性,總是有各種雙標, &nbsIn this Photoshop Tutorial, learn how to create a iOS 7 Style Blur Background from a photo or image using a few basic steps to upgrade and add a nice blurry feel on all your devices backgrounds. iOS7 offers a new flat design with some cool Blur background...