iOS 7 Launcher Theme HD theme for Android_Android Themes,Free Android themes,Free Android themes dow面試我的,很幸運也很不幸的是位美麗年輕的小姐,她帶著我到一個小房間中,在一個有透明圓型玻璃桌面的桌子面試。 其實我最討厭這樣了,因為面試是神聖的,我根本不想去看她桌面下的美腿,她甜美的笑容,充滿氣質的談吐,臉上還抹了些微的小亮片妝,真的是要命。 她笑著問我的學歷、工作經驗、未來規劃與抱負Want the latest iPhone OS before the iPhone? This is based on newly released apple iOS7 icons and wallpapers. Use it to prank your friends and prove to them you have the latest iOS 7 ... I'm open to ideas, so let me know if you have any suggested features...