別懷疑哥 哥是外星人
全新生活科技資訊網站! - Qooah 別懷疑哥 哥是外星人 關於首家Apple Store 實體旗艦店將於台灣開幕的消息,過往本站已追蹤過不少。由種種分析以及人力招聘的告示中,我們幾乎已經能確定了首家座落台灣的Apple Store快將開幕。現在據3C Talk獲得的消息,再進一步地確定這件事。...
全文閱讀全新生活科技資訊網站! - Qooah 別懷疑哥 哥是外星人 關於首家Apple Store 實體旗艦店將於台灣開幕的消息,過往本站已追蹤過不少。由種種分析以及人力招聘的告示中,我們幾乎已經能確定了首家座落台灣的Apple Store快將開幕。現在據3C Talk獲得的消息,再進一步地確定這件事。...
全文閱讀Why your wallpapers look messed up on iOS 7, and how to fix them! | iMore地球驚現未知合體生物(10P) The dev did a great job with Wallax. There are some cool features like the blurring. I beat them to the App Store by a few days with Fix My Wallpaper. They have much better iPad support at the moment. I am working on that and will have an update soon. My ...
全文閱讀How to add new Dynamic Wallpapers to iPhone in iOS 7法國舉行的漁夫障礙賽 One of the major new features in iOS 7 in the looks department was the dynamic or live wallpaper. Unfortunately, the feature is quite crippled as iOS 7 comes with only the same type of dynamic wallpaper in 7 different colors. We have some good news for yo...
全文閱讀iOS 7 Beta Tidbits: Per-App Cellular Data Usage, Live Clock Icon, Panoramic Wallpaper and More - Mac現在去美國!動不動就被 摸光光&看光光 iPhone 4 is Responsive - One forum member who installed iOS 7 on the iPhone 4 said the device was as responsive as under iOS 6, though many of the UI graphics trickery is disabled. 'Mark All' in Mail.app - Users can now mark all messages as read in Mail.a...
全文閱讀iOS 7.1.x Compatible Jailbreak Apps and Tweaks聖誕老人的秘密生活 Find out the jailbreak apps and tweaks that are compatible with iOS 7.1.2, iOS 7.1.1 or iOS 7.1 for your iPad, iPad and iPad touch....
全文閱讀How to Stop Automatic Wallpaper Resize and Zoom in iOS 7 下一秒會發生什麼事 誰也不知道! 還好人彈出來了! Update: This issue now has a partial fix with iOS 7.1’s Perspective Zoom feature. Find out how to fix the wallpaper resize issue in iOS 7.1 here. ... Chandra is Sr.editor at iGeeksBlog.com who juggles writing about apps and custom features in iOS. At othe...
全文閱讀關於首家Apple Store 實體旗艦店將於台灣開幕的消息,過往本站已追蹤過不少。由種種分析以及人力招聘的告示中,我們幾乎已經能確定了首家座落台灣的Apple Store快將開幕。現在據3C Talk獲得的消息,再進一步地確定這件事。...
全文閱讀The dev did a great job with Wallax. There are some cool features like the blurring. I beat them to the App Store by a few days with Fix My Wallpaper. They have much better iPad support at the moment. I am working on that and will have an update soon. My ...
全文閱讀One of the major new features in iOS 7 in the looks department was the dynamic or live wallpaper. Unfortunately, the feature is quite crippled as iOS 7 comes with only the same type of dynamic wallpaper in 7 different colors. We have some good news for yo...
全文閱讀iPhone 4 is Responsive - One forum member who installed iOS 7 on the iPhone 4 said the device was as responsive as under iOS 6, though many of the UI graphics trickery is disabled. 'Mark All' in Mail.app - Users can now mark all messages as read in Mail.a...
全文閱讀Find out the jailbreak apps and tweaks that are compatible with iOS 7.1.2, iOS 7.1.1 or iOS 7.1 for your iPad, iPad and iPad touch....
全文閱讀Update: This issue now has a partial fix with iOS 7.1’s Perspective Zoom feature. Find out how to fix the wallpaper resize issue in iOS 7.1 here. ... Chandra is Sr.editor at iGeeksBlog.com who juggles writing about apps and custom features in iOS. At othe...
全文閱讀In addition to unveiling the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c yesterday, Apple also seeded the Golden Master of iOS 7. It should be the final beta we see of the big...
全文閱讀Editors Note: Jordan Huxley (Twitter, App.net) reached out to us after spotting our previous round ups of awesome Parallax wallpapers (here and here) and requested to share his own. We happily obliged. Over the next few weeks, he’ll be posting many furthe...
全文閱讀Hola amigos, esta vez les muestro el Nuevo Programa de PP25, digo "nuevo" puesto que el anterior programa solo llegó a la versión Este ha arrancado con la versión 2.0 y tiene un nuevo diseño, también ha mejorado en cuanto a las opciones que brind...
全文閱讀iOS 7 relies heavily on hardware-accelerated Core Animation APIs for its new approach to animation and motion, so theoretically developers could distribute packaged Quartz Composer wallpapers through the App Store. Perhaps Apple will add a new Wallpapers ...
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
雖然看起來並不完全相同,但是日本動漫好多角色看上去都差不多! 《豆豆籠》、《風之谷》、《崖上的波妞》……出品過許多著名動畫作品的吉卜力工作室都離不開一個靈魂人物,那就是創作這些動畫角色的宮崎駿。 日本Twitter站Ghibli_Fan7、台灣網站Fanswong和其它一
從沒想到自己的姓氏可以變得那麼美! 每個姓氏的花看起來都不太一樣喔! 妳的那朵生得如何呢? 看完也轉給朋友看看他的花長得如何吧!! 圖片來源
曾與老鼠同住 現在身為大明星的徐若瑄,舉手投足間依然透露著率性和純真,這或許和她的成長經歷有關係。 1975年,一個叫徐淑娟的小嬰兒在台中降生,父親漢族,母親高山族泰雅人,擁有一半原住民血統的她從小就是個瓷娃娃般可愛的女孩。説起她人見人愛的漂亮臉蛋和與生俱來的表演天分,20歲時就生下第一個女兒的徐媽
“最美人妖”Poy近日透過微博分享了一張美照,身穿粉紅色洋裝的她,露出一大片雪白肌膚及粉嫩香肩,豐滿酥胸若隱若現,頭髮向上盤起並戴上王冠,坐在車裡像是若有所思地望向窗外,美麗程度讓人崩潰! 這模樣怎麼這麼像Angelababy。 說你是男人,我真的不相信! 艾瑪!現在我信了
某次演奏會後的慶功宴上,跟主辦單位的A先生有了以下對話 「有個不得了的舞蹈團耶!」 「是什麼樣的舞蹈呢?」 「本來是街舞風格,後來加入了現代舞的元素,該怎麼說呢?你看了就會明白了。」 「喔……」 「無論如何,這舞團就連坂東玉三郎先生也讚不絕口
情景一: 和老公到朋友開的酒吧小坐,有一個22歲的美國女孩在獨自喝酒,用出水芙蓉來形容她相當恰當,我推了推老公說:快去請她過來小坐,再不去該被別的人請走了。老公吸了下口水,急忙拿著一瓶沒開啟的啤酒走過去。坐在旁邊的朋友很不理解的。 問:「主動給老公找野食?「我說:「肥水不流外人田。」 老公很順利的
今年剛滿18歲的她,美麗身影還是眾人的目光,而最近幾天也在自己的instagram放上幾張度假的美照網友讚嘆「這才是真女神,能娶到她不知道要燒幾輩子的香。」最後附上女神戲水影片:IG: http://instagram.com/altynbekova_20