Will Apple allow Custom Dynamic Wallpapers in iOS 7? Here's a proof of concept ▲超正的!(source: instagram) 大家好我是云編~ 唉大家......你們知道這個禮拜最痛苦的是什麼嗎?就是週六要上班,只剩下一天假日了!一想到這點編編就心如刀割,差點淚如雨下......整個連工作都提不起勁啊!相信應該很多人跟編編一樣,所以編編左思又想,覺得這種時候One of the major new features in iOS 7 in the looks department is the dynamic or live wallpaper. As of now, iOS 7 betas come with just two dynamic wallpapers with a bubble design, and with slightly different colorations. The animation in these wallpapers ...