ios 7 wallpaper fix cydia

How to Fix Errors in Cydia on iOS 7+ Mobile Substrate Fix for iOS 7 - YouTube以下的每一款靚車都是手工製作且做工精細。不同於頂級橘子郡摩托車,這些日本摩托車愛好者用他們自己的方式展現獨立、自由和叛逆。 This video shows you how to fix errors in Cydia when installing tweaks on iOS 7.0 - 7.0.4 THIS FIX IS THE SAME AS THE "BOOTSTRAP" FIX AND WILL NOT WORK FOR ANY A7 64-BIT DEVICES (iPHONE-5S, iPAD-AIR, OR iPAD-MINI 2) ONLY WORKS FOR A6 AND OLDER ===== *CLIC...


Fix wallpaper zooming on iOS 7.1 with Perspective Zoom viaThere’s a new setting in iOS 7.1, called Perspective Zoom, which lets you disable wallpaper zooming and motion ... A number of people have complained that their pixel-perfect wallpapers for iOS 6 appeared zoomed in on iOS 7. There were some workarounds to...


Why your wallpapers look messed up on iOS 7, and how to fix them! | iMore viaOne of the things that's annoyed me most about iOS 7 is the way it handles wallpapers. iOS 7 only seems to want to position a background image one way, and no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you pinch or zoom, iOS 7 just snaps you wallpaper .....


How To Fix Cydia Tweak Errors On iOS 7 With BootStrap viaLearn how to fix Cydia tweak errors on a Jailbroken device running iOS 7 with the BootStrap Cydia tweak. ... bootstrap installs that respring icon.. hitting that respring icon sent me to the eternity of the apple screen … had to either let it die or pull ...


Fix : iPhone Not Turning On After Installing a Cydia Tweak iOS 8 and 7 (also iOS 6) REALLY WORKS - Y viaHow To Fix : iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Not Turning On After Installing a Cydia Tweak/Mod/App jailbreak on iOS 6.1 & iOS 6.1.1 Untethered Evasi0n Jailbreak! Ios 8 also. Really works! iPhone keeps respringing Reboot your iDevice while holding your volume up ke...
