Get Ready For iOS 7 – Make Your Own Parallax Wallpapers [iOS 7 Tips] | Cult of Mac 捷克犀利哥米洛斯拉夫‧提奇(Miroslav Tichy)用拾來的垃圾自製相機拍攝照片,用偷窺者的眼光去捕捉所有圖像,主題永遠是女人,街上行走的女人、泳池邊休憩的女人、公園裡換衣服的女人。 犀利哥本人 提奇說:「如果你想成名,你必須在某方面做到最差,比世界上其他任何人都更差。因此你需要一個最差的相While we’ve noted that you can use panoramic photos as wallpaper on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in in iOS 7, we haven’t spent a lot of time talking about the other major visual wallpaper and lock screen facelift: parallax. In iOS 7, the background be...