Download iOS Soft Dev Pack (PC) 1.0 to Bypass Activation Lock iOS 7 (source:BiXixitwitter,下同) 在外留學時,除了讀書學習外,也很可能有機會與外國人譜出一段異國戀曲。然而並非每段戀情都有美好的結局,有些甚至可能讓你失去性命。 根據sina報導,大陸富豪畢國祥的女兒、留學英國的畢曦希慘遭男友約旦打死。英國當地時間2月You can bypass iCloud Activation Lock with iOS Soft Dev Pack. Download now! ... If your iPhone is now stuck on iOS 7 activation lock screen, this software will help you to bypass the activation lock. I’m pretty sure there are thousands devices are current...