新莊線某捷運站偶遇「露背裝」 辣妹:太殺惹 求正面照!
iPad - Retina iPad (Air/4/3/rMini) iOS 7 parallax wallpaper thread (2524x2524 ONLY) | MacRumors Foru近日有網友在新莊線某捷運站中發現一位身著清涼的辣妹,身著露背裝極為養眼,而且最關鍵的是沒有帶Bra,看得讓人心神不寧,引發網友熱議:求正面照...好想狠狠的朝背打個巴掌阿.......把捷運當墾丁沙灘了,今天開始搭捷運!!! 小弟表示今後一定要多搭捷運才行XD viaSince the iOS 7 parallax feature now requires retina iPad wallpapers to be sized at 2524 x 2524, it has become rather difficult to find good... ... I customize my iPad rMini's lock screen with my first name and my iPhone number. At work one day I left it ...