Restoring iOS 7 Backup on iOS 6 Device (and Downgrading iOS 7 to iOS 6) | MacRumors Forums親人的驟逝,造就年輕的天才。 13歲的「固執」 稚嫩的臉龐,精緻的雙眼, 你絕對想不到, 這個1999年出生的墨西哥小鮮肉, 會名揚世界醫學及科技界。 更令人意外的是,他還在今年4月底GSEA 「全球學生企業家獎」斬獲頭獎 。 而Messages didn't restore from iOS 7 Thank you so very much for creating this tutorial! I have one issue, I have done everything exactly as written and yet my messages did not come back from iOS 7. Can someone help me figure out why my messages disappeared?...