Siri gets to vocalize her male side for some international Apple iPhone users in iOS 7.1, beta 5 號稱 AV 界的林志玲,身為男人不知道波多野結衣 Hatano Yui, 怎對得起自己的左右手...? AV 女優有時因劇情的需要時常都要扮演著不同腳色,而且波多野結衣時常利用 FB 分享最新的自拍照,有時居家有時在片場,真的超級敬業的 XD 喜愛的她朋友可以去找找相關的粉絲團....On the heels of a report that we passed along to you yesterday, stating that we are just a few weeks away from the launch of iOS 7.1, a fifth beta has been pushed out that gives Siri a more natural sounding voice in the U.K., Australia and Japan. Apple pl...